Onboarding: How to start?
You don’t know how to start? You need a quick recap of your onboarding session? You are at the right place.
How to start?
Users: Invite your team members
Easily invite a new member to use Kitchn.
To add a new user:
- In your Kitchn Account click on the setting button on the left side
- Click on Invite Member
- Enter their full name, email & select a role: - Default - Builder - Admin

- Make sure they accept the invite recieved by email
Integration: Connect your tools & ad platforms
In the Integrations section, you can select which ad platforms and tools or software can be integrated into our automations. Generally, you can do the same actions on the integrated platform with Kitchn.io or even more. Only the user who created an integration can disconnect it!
To create an integration:
- Go to the Integration section.
- Click on the integration you want to create.
- On the top right corner, click on Connect button.
- Log into your account and follow the instructions.
→ How to integrate your Facebook Account | Step-by-step Video → GSheet/ GDrive integration: Our team already connected your new companyname@kitchn.io email for you. Make sure all necessary Sheets & Folders are shared with this email.
Automation: Create an automation from a recipe
Automations are at the core of Kitchn.io. No matter the use case, everything is called an “automation”: Bulk-create ads, automate reporting, or set up alerts to get notified when something goes wrong.
Automations can be built from scratch or based off an existing recipe.
To create automation:
- Go to the Automations section.
- Click on the New Automation button in the top right corner, which will open the following pop-up. (Note: This is slightly different from the video above.)

- In the pop-up, enter a name.
- And optionally, tick the box next to Import automation from JSON recipe if you are starting with a recipe.
Last updated on October 16, 2023