Update Ad status

13 mins to complete

In this tutorial, you will learn how to change ad status from active to paused.

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  1. Add Update Facebook Ad node.
  1. Add Select Facebook Ad Account Ids. Choose your ad account. Connect ad_account_ids sockets.
  1. Add Select Facebook Adset Ids node. Next, choose the adset in which the ad you want to change is located.
  1. Add Fetch Facebook Adset Ad Ids node. Connect adset_ids sockets. Select the effective_status of the ads to be fetched.
  1. Add Patch JSON List node. Connect ad_ids to data_list.
  1. Add Input String node. Type ACTIVE in the string socket of the node. Connect string to value (Patch JSON list).
  1. Inside Patch JSON list node, add an ADD patch with a path /status. Then, in the value field, add {{input.value}} to add the new status of the ad.
  1. Add For Each node. Connect data_list to items. Connect item to ad.
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Last updated on August 4, 2021