Node Documentation
This node allows you to create a list of objects with a selected schema.
Build Filter
This node allows you to select a schema of objects that you want to filter out and the criteria.
Calculate Math Operation
This node lets you perform a set of math operations on two variables.
Calculate Set Operation
This item lets you combine or interesect two lists of objects with each other.
This node allows you to create a list of objects with a selected schema.
Clone File
This node allows you to copy a file as a URL to Kitchn server.
This node allows you to concat two lists into one.
This node allows you to join a previously separated workflow back together.
Create CRON Timstamp
This node allows you to delay the trigger of a node.
This node allows you to delay the trigger of a node.
Delay To v2
This node allows you to delay the trigger of a node.
Email Notifier
This node allows you to send a notification as an email
This node lets you access any variable within a JSON object and extract its value.
Extract List
This node lets you access any variable within a list of JSON objects and extract its value for each item of the list.
Fetch Integration Url
This node lets you make an authenticated call to any integrated API.
Fetch Variable
This node is used to retrieve a variable’s value.
This node allows you to filter any JSON list of objects based on the criteria that you set up yourself.
For Each
This node lets you iterate over a list of items with a for each loop.
Format Timestamp V2
This node allows you to format a timestamp following a selected pattern.
This node allows you to create a list of objects with a selected schema.
The If node lets you compare two variables with a set condition and branch off two different paths based on the outcome.
This node allows you to delay the trigger of a node.
JoinBy (deprecated)
Joins two lists by keys and returns selected values.
Joins data list b onto data list a, given a set of conditions and target path.
Map Any to Table Rows
This node lets you transform any data into Google Spreadsheets data.
Map Table Rows to Any
This node lets you transform Google Spreadsheets data to any data structure.
Parse String to Id
This node takes a string and formats it to a selected schema type.
Patch JSON (TiKiLa)
This node allows you to modify JSON data objects by using a patch operation on it (i.e. removing, adding, replacing, casting data). The advanced node supports mathematical operations and formatting through TiKiLa 🍋🧂 (Tiny Kitchn Language).
Patch JSON or JSON List
This node allows you to modify JSON data objects by using a patch operation on it (i.e. removing, adding, replacing, casting data)
This node lets you branch off based on data being present or not.
Process Script
This node allows you to run a custom Python or Ruby script.
Replace String or List String
This node lets you search and replace data within a string with Regex.
Slice List (v3)
The Slice List node extracts a part of a list.
This node allows you to sort a list of objects by a given pointer.
Split List
The Split List node splits up a list into equal chunks.
Trigger Relay
This node acts as a relay for trigger(s).
Update Variable
This node is used to update a variable’s value.
Webhook v3
This node allows you to trigger an automation externally.
Fetch Facebook Insights
Fetches insights, i.e., performance, engagement, and conversion metrics, from the Facebook Ads API for multiple ad accounts.
Create Facebook Ad Video
This node allows you to upload a video to a Facebook ad account.
Create Facebook Ad Image V3
This node allows you to upload an image to a Facebook ad account.
Fetch Facebook Ad Ids
This node lets you fetch the ids of ads in one or more Facebook ad accounts.
Fetch Facebook Campaign Ids
This node lets you fetch the ids of campaigns in one or more Facebook ad accounts.
Fetch Facebook Ads
This node lets you fetch Facebook ads based on a list of ad ids.
Fetch Facebook Campaigns
This node lets you fetch Facebook campaigns based on a list of campaign ids.
Extract Facebook Ad URLs
This node allows you to extract URLs from your Facebook ads.
Google Sheets
Fetch Google Spreadsheets Rows
Fetches data from a spreadsheet.
Fetch Google Spreadsheet Row Mapping
Generates mapping from a spreadsheet row.
Append Google Spreadsheets Rows
Appends data to a spreadsheet.
Clear Google Spreadsheet Rows
Clears spreadsheet rows.
Google Analytics
Fetch Google Analytics Reports
Fetch a report from Google Analytics
Patch JSON TiKiLa
Home: Patch JSON TiKiLa
Explanation of the basic Patch JSON TiKiLa functionality
TiKiLa Math Operations
An overview of the math operations you can perform with TiKiLa
TiKiLa Logic Operations
An overview of the logical expressions you can perform with TiKiLa
TiKiLa Data & String Manipulation
An overview of the data and string manipulations you can perform with TiKiLa
TiKiLa Random Generator Functions
An overview of the TiKiLa functions you can use to generate random data
TiKiLa Date and Time Functions
An overview of the TiKiLa functions to handle, parse and manipulate date and time objects and strings.