Google BigQuery

Learn how to integrate Google BigQuery with


How to connect your Google BigQuery with Kitchn

  1. Head to the Kitchn Integrations Settings at
  1. Click on Google BigQuery, then click on the green Connect button
  1. You will be redirected to Google to grant permission, select your account, then click on Allow
  1. Wait for the redirection to Kitchn and your account will be successfully connected
  1. Your Kitchn account can now access your Google BigQuery projects.

What can I do with the Google BigQuery integration?


Query data

Example of fetching data from a table in BigQuery using the Post Integration URL node:{project_name}/queries
  "query": "SELECT ad_id, ad_name FROM `{project_name}.{dataset_name}.{table_name}` ORDER BY ad_id DESC",
  "useLegacySql": false

Insert data

Example of pushing TikTok Report data to an existing table using the Post Integration URL node:{project_name}/datasets/{dataset_name}/tables/{table_name}/insertAll
  "kind": "bigquery#tableDataInsertAllRequest",
  "rows": [
      "json": {
        "ad_id": "1764884863976466",
        "objective_type": "CONVERSIONS",
        "spend": "1.540",
        "impressions": "91",
        "clicks": "0",
        "date": "2023-05-03"

Create table

(coming soon)


See full Google’s own API references here.

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Last updated on January 15, 2024