Run automations on a schedule with CRON

Use the Create CRON Timestamp and Delay To v2 nodes to run automations on a schedule.

By combining the Create CRON Timstamp node with the Delay To v2 node, you can run your automations on a schedule. This allows you to easily let an automation run i.e. every 10 minutes or also every Wednesday at 10am and at 7pm:

Notion image
  1. Use the Create CRON Timstamp to create a schedule. Check out the nodes documentation to understand the possible input patterns. Every time this node runs, it will output the timestamp of the next upcoming time that matches the pattern.
  1. Then connect the next_ts output to the timestamp input on the Delay To v2 node. This will then run whenever the time matches the timestamp.
  1. Once the automation is done, connect the final output back to the Create Cron Timestamp input to create the upcoming timestamp and start the automation at the desired time again.
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Last updated on September 26, 2023