How can I use secrets (i.e. API keys) in my automations?

You can securely store API keys and other secrets to be re-used across automations

Kitchn offers a simple way to securely and safely store frequently used secrets. This is especially useful for storing API keys that you use to access external APIs.


How to store a secret in Kitchn

In your Kitchn backend, head to Settings (lower left corner in the sidebar) and then click on the tab Secrets:

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Click on Create a secret. A modal will appear where you can enter the secret and click Create to store it.

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How to use a secret in an automation

You can refer to secrets simply by using the syntax {{secrets.SECRET_NAME}} anywhere in the Kitchn platform. Here’s an example: When making a call to an external API with the Post Url node, we want to pass the API Key we just created with the name API_KEY as an Authorization Header. To do so, add a header to the node and enter {{secrets.API_KEY}} as the value. This will automatically be replaced with the actual key at runtime.

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Last updated on June 13, 2023