Why do some ids show up as scientific numbers, e.g. 1.032E+02?
GoogleSheets unfortunately doesn’t know that IDs should be treated as text, not mathematical numbers.
This happens especially when the ID ends in a 0.
Add a single quotation mark '
in front of the number

Adding a single quotation mark in front of the number, lets the spreadsheet know that it should display it exactly as is. This makes sense when only individual cells are affected.
Copy entire data set into a new tab using ARRAYFORMULA()
You can use the ARRAYFORMULA()
with a &""
at the end to copy over the entire data set. In the example below all ids in column A show up as scientific numbers, but using the Arrayformula function with an empty string converts all items into text.

Re-Format to Plain Text
Make sure to re-format the column by first using the “Number” option (1) with no commas or decimals and then formatting as “Plain Text” (2)

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